Aug 12, 2007

A couple finished things...

I still don't have a photo of the aprons I made... I took them to school without thinking about it. I do have a photo of the poncho, though. I wore it to the movies on Friday night and felt VERY cute, haha.
Also, with my new sewing machine I made a baby blanket for the principal at my school. His wife is having a baby soon, and we are throwing them a baby shower this week. I went to JoAnn's and discovered that they have a 15% teacher discount! Woohoo! I am getting better at this whole sewing thing - notice that the edges are actually straight, haha!

More photos of my classroom coming soon, as well as some other sewing projects and MAYBE a finished painting. Oh man... I am so artistically ADD

Aug 8, 2007

Home Sweet Home

Whew... tons of stuff has happened in the past week and a half! Drew and I went to Missouri for a week to visit his family. It was so much fun! I always enjoy getting to spend time with his mom and dad (and brother and grandparents!), but this trip was exceptionally nice. Drew's mom (Diane) and I got to spend a lot of time antiquing and shopping, and she helped me find a nice sewing machine for cheap! So, now I have yet another hobby! I have already made a couple of aprons, but havent taken any photos yet. I finished the poncho I have been working on forever (I will also post pictures of that as soon as I take some). We got to take our kitty with us to Missouri with the help of some kitty sleeping pills. That was quite an experience. A 9 hour drive with a kitten who does not like cars...

As for this entry, I have a couple of photos of our kayaking trip on the Current River in Missouri. More later.