May 31, 2009

Likes and Dislikes

Things I LOVE:
+ My most amazing, wonderful, intelligent, good looking husband. Drew is the best!
+ Early summer evenings with the grill going, a beautiful back yard of a beautiful house, and a comfy chair on the patio.
+ Good music that fits perfectly with my mood.
+ Having a plan... for the day, for the week, for vacation, for my summer job, etc.
+ A good dinner, with great guacamole, home made limeade, and freshly baked cookies.
+ My summer job - I think it is going to to totally rock.
+ Having a good book to read.
+ The end of school! Heck yes!!
+ Good friends whom you are so very thankful for and proud of... Congratulations Jeremy for graduating, Congratulations Amy and Rocky on your soon to be born beautiful baby Brinley (alliteration much?), and so thankful for so many others.
+ Being alive and feeling alive... celebrating every day.
+ Having a clean house, even though I don't much like cleaning it. (but I guess that point will come later)

Things I don't like so much:
- Paying bills
- Money in general... what good did it ever do anyone?
- Hearing my A/C on. It needs to just be cool in here without costing me so much money!
- Cleaning house, haha - specifically dishes and sweeping

Oh yeah, I love blogs too.

May 23, 2009

The Photo Entry

Here are a few photos for your enjoyment... and also a few for me to hopefully find out information...
My peach tree is growing peaches. They are so cute and fuzzy, but I want to know what I should do to ensure that no bugs or birds eat them. Any organic suggestions?

Anyone know what this tree is?

The other day, Drew was working in the front yard, and I got a little crazy motivation. So, I proceeded to cut down 3 horrid Holly bushes. I can not begin to express my level of detest for Holly bushes. They are ugly, and they stick you, and they grow like CRAZY and take over your pretty yard and make it where it hurts to get through gates... but I digress. This photo shows the future home for our new deck. I really don't know what I mean by "future" except that it is what I would like to do one day. And when the deck decides to build itself, haha, all of the dreadful holly bushes will be gone *insert mad scientist laughter here*

This is our "harvest" hahaha. We were actually able to grow 4 beans. Perhaps next year I will know to plant a few more plants and then we might actually have enough for a meal. Nevertheless, Drew is grilling steak tonight, and I plan to cook our 4 beans for us to enjoy. I'm sure they will be yummy.

Here are some more of our crops so far. One day, we might actually be able to have a salad. Looks tastey!

And, one day, we will have a cantaloupe. I LOVE cantaloupe.

I wasn't really able to get a good photo of our new garage star, because the weather was kind of crappy, and the grass wasn't mowed (Drew is outside doing that right now and it looks BEAUTIFUL!) But here is one of the things I bought in Canton when I went with the girls a few weeks ago. I love it!

And here is a photo of what Drew lovingly refers to as the "Tex Mex Garden" because it is just that... a mix of native texan and mexican plants. I have Mexican grass, Lantana and Bluebonnets growing and it looks so pretty! The bluebonnets are on the downfall, but I can't wait to see what they do next year!

May 14, 2009


How has it been so long since I have updated? Especially with all the fun things that have been going on lately!

Let's start with Adventure Camp. Sadly, I do not have any photos of this, but I still have quite a bit of good old Texas dirt caked on my shoes, on my car, on everything I own that I took with me, just about. It was a pretty good time... lots of hiking and playing football, four square and various activities. I am glad to have gotten to know the 8th graders.

Then there was Canton. I don't have any photos of my treasures either, but maybe my next post can be photos with no text and you guys can play the matching game and see which picture goes with which paragraph of my blog, haha. Canton was awesome. It was especially nice this time since there was the threat of rain which held a lot of people at home. It didn't rain on us until we got in the car, which was perfect! I got a really neat Iron star to put on the garage, and some amazing soup and dessert mixes. I had a great time with Rebecca, Liz, Sarah, Lygia, and Kelly! Those girls are awesome!

And some news that I am really excited about: you know the frustration from my last post? Well, I am here to tell you that God really does answer prayers. I got a job working with a non-profit called Big Thought doing summer camps for Elementary and Middle School kiddos at the Bath House Cultural Center near White Rock! I am so excited and can not wait to meet to discuss details!

And another excitement: school is out in a mere 2 weeks! Juniors and Seniors are done officially tomorrow, with their exams being next week. Freshman and Sophomores have one more week of class before exams. So, I will be up here another 3 weeks, but it is definitely on the down slope and the end is in sight. I am finally being able to take a deep breath and relax a little. I don't think Drew and I have spent one evening at home together in a few weeks, so, I am really excited about the opportunity to spend some time with him.

Well, lunch break is over, so I must get back to teaching Art I how to do grid drawings. They are looking great!