Sep 13, 2010

29 Weeks and Graduation

Well, here we are at week 29, with a mere 76 days to go until the due date... Each day I think more and more about Isabel actually being here and I can not wait! I have to admit that it has a little to do with the fact that I am so ready to not be pregnant anymore, but so much more to do with seeing her sweet smile and getting to hold and cuddle my daughter.

This weekend was a busy busy weekend with nearly 14 hours of Childbirth Preparation classes at Methodist Hospital. We learned all about hospital policy, breathing techniques that I am sure will make my pain just disappear (ha!), all of our pain management options, and took a tour of the maternity ward. I don't really feel as though I learned a lot of new information, but then again, I have been totally obsessed with reading as much as I possibly can get my hands on about pregnancy, birth, and baby care. I don't think much of it will do any good... learning by experience seems to be necessity when it comes to babies :) But all in all, I'm glad we went. And rest assured, we graduated from the program, so of course now we are "qualified" to have this child, haha! We got a diploma and everything!

This weekend was also my Papa's 81st birthday. I have been so blessed to have such wonderful grandparents who lived so close to us while I was growing up, and still live close and will be able to be involved in my daughter's life. Papa is an extraordinary guy and I hope he has many many many more years ahead!

After class on Sunday, Drew and I celebrated our diploma at Big Shucks - we have a serious addiction to that place. They have the best shrimp... well, everything on the menu is amazing actually. Afterward, we came home so Drew could finish up a TON of grading that he brought home this weekend for his Forensics class. I helped out a little and I love reading some of the things his kids write... I was cracking up when one person wrote something about the "quart of law".

This Wednesday, my dad is having back surgery. Please keep him in your prayers! This is something that he has needed for quite a while, and hopefully it will make him feel all better so he can be up and active and ready to play with his granddaughter :)

Here's a picture of me at 29 weeks 0 days :) I just looked through my Belly Book this weekend and saw a picture of me at 19 weeks - exactly 10 weeks ago. Wow, have I grown! But once again I must say... I am SO ready to have my waist back!!

1 comment :

Meve & Co. said...

yeah for Methodist! If you need us to bring you some movies (remember when you guys did that for us?), just call.=)