Sep 23, 2007


Well, I haven't had much time to craft lately, but I have been drawing a lot lately. Trying to get a bit more practice so that I can be a better painter, and a better teacher. I have been so tired lately, and following a pattern is very difficult when you have had a hard day, haha. So, that means crochet and sewing have been out. I did, however, get two new books that look like they are going to be awesome helps for the above mentioned crafts.

I highly recommend both books. The Last minute fabric gift book is great... it has projects designed for all levels of dedication and knowledge. Several of which I hope to try in the near future. I just need to start planning before I head for the fabric store.

I'll see if I can post some of my drawings... dont know how well a picture of them will turn out, and I do not have a scanner.

Sep 9, 2007

Weekend Projects

I have been busy this weekend! Yesterday, Drew had to work. I felt sorry for him, but I had a lot to do anyway, so, it worked out ok. He was bored all day, poor thing! Yesterday morning, I got up and went to help Jerri on her new house. Here are a few photos of the progress:

That grey object that Joe is pointing the tape measure towards is a dead rat... I told Jerri it deserved to be in the scrap book as one of the nasty things she has encountered on her home journey. So, here it is. I don't scrapbook!

Here are a couple of the crafty projects I have finished this weekend:

With that awesome fabric I bought at Make, I made a wrap skirt. The photo does not do it justice!
It is about knee length, and it is pretty darn cute if I do say so myself.

I also finished the awesome curtains I was planning, however, they ended up a bit too short for the bedroom, so, they ended up in the dining room instead. They are awesome though, and I love them. This just gives me an excuse to go buy more fabric for the bedroom curtains. For now, I'll stick with the tapestry I bought at Urban Outfitters a long time ago. Here are the curtains:
ps. Do not pay attention to the room... it's a bit messy.

Well, that's all for my craftiness tonight. Hope everyone is doing well!

Sep 6, 2007

Awesome new fabric

So, I have gone on a fabric binge lately and found some really amazing stuff. At JoAnn's this weekend, all of their home decorating fabric was 50% off, so, I bought some fabric to make some real curtains for the bedroom... a grown up bedroom... who would ever think!!

Tonight, I went to First Thursday in Bishop Art's District. They have all of their galleries open and free admission, and all of the shops offer special discounts. Make (a store in BA's that sells hand crafted wearables and offers classes in sewing, etc) had a 10% discount tonight and they had a new line of Moda fabric in stock. It all looked amazing, and I need to find a cheaper place to buy it so that I can get lots! Anyway, here is one of my favorite patters that I found tonight:
It is kind of hard to see, but it is a Paint by numbers pattern of birds and flowers. Really pretty in person! She didn't have much of it left, so, she would only sell me one and a half yards of it. I will have to find something really awesome to do with it. Is one and a half yards enough for a skirt?

There were also these really pretty brown, gold, orange and green fabrics that were apparently new by Moda. I love them all and want some of everything! Here is a link to the new fabrics:



While last in Missouri, I was flipping through one of Diane's magazines and found a really cool idea for a pillow that went across the entire bed and had a pretty vine and a bird stitched on the top. I modified this idea and made it a "Marcie Original" and here is what I came up with:

I know it is a little lumpy, but it isnt quite finished yet. Actually, this leads me to a really hillarious story. I hand stitched all of the wool felt leaves and vines onto the top. It took forever, and when I finished, I was so excited to start stuffing. I went to Walmart and bought some Polyfil. Come to find out, a 1 and a quarter pound bag is $3.50 and a 10 pound box is only $14, so, I opted for the larger amount because I figured I would need quite a bit. I got home, sewed the edges together and started stuffing. I tried very hard to do it like I have seen Diane do in the past... stuff the corners, stuff evenly and fill up to the top... however, I kept stuffing and stuffing and stuffing and it seemed as though I could not get past 1/4 of the pillow! I showed Drew and he said... "I don't know sweetie, I guess you should just keep stuffing." He said something about what he had seen his mom do in the past, so, of course I then thought he was an expert on pillow stuffing, so, I kept going. My arm was getting SO tired by this point, so, I decided to give up for the night. Of course, in my artistic ADD, I got busy and left it alone for a few days while I did other things. Then a couple days ago, my friend Becca was over, and we were in a crafty mood, so, I pulled the pillow out to ask for her advice. She suggested that we pull out all the stuffing and start over. I pulled and pulled and pulled and pulled and soon, my entire "second bedroom studio" was flooded with Polyfil! There was about 1000 pounds of it in that one quarter of a pillow. I figured out that I had left one key step out of the whole stuffing process... you have to fluff the stuffing before you actually stuff the pillow! So, I had all these little clumps of stuffing that we fluffed and stuffed, and the amount of stuffing I fit into that quarter of a pillow eventually filled the entire pillow as you see it in that photo! Whew, I was laughing so hard by the end of that I could barely stuff! Needless to say, i should buy a book entitled "Pillow Stuffing for Dummies". I seriously wish I had a photo of the entire room filled with Polyfil!

Finished Classroom

Ahh... the classroom. It looks so much better without students! I know, I know... I'm horrible. Here are some photos of the classroom sans students!