Jul 14, 2010

Goodnight Never Never Land

I'm in Love, I'm in love, I'm in love and I don't care who knows it! - Buddy the Elf

Isn't this the most perfect and adorable crib bedding you've ever seen in your life? I nearly bankrupted myself buying it today, but I just can not stop looking at it and picturing our sweet baby girl fast asleep on the cute owl and tree sheets above a ballerina bed skirt... My sweet friend from high school, Donna, helped me pick it out since she is a visual coordinator for Pottery Barn Kids. This is a modified version of the Brooke bedding set.

Before you say "I told you so" or anything to that effect... I know! It's pink and ruffly, and everything I have stood against for so long now. But I couldn't help myself! It's just too perfect. The ruffles are balanced nicely by the blues and greens in the bumper and quilt, there are vintage inspired fabrics in the trees and birds, and it's a nature inspired "theme".

After setting it all up today, all I want to do is decorate the room. Why on earth do baby things have to be so expensive?? We still really need to get a dresser to use in the room for storage and for a changing table on top, and I'd really like a rug for the room since our house has a tendency to get very cold in the winter.

I found a really cool tutorial on a blog I read about how to use corn starch and water to create a paste to fix fabric on furniture or walls. It's easily removable with a little water, and looks like it will make the perfect fix for the huge stand alone closet thing we have in the nursery to bring it more into the theme.

Beyond that, just odds and ends and shower goods will fill up the space... can't wait to see what it looks like when baby comes!

Jul 9, 2010


Is this not the absolute coolest way EVER to take a birth announcement photo? I am taking my iPhone with me to the hospital and ordering one of these precious birth announcement tshirts as soon as the baby is born from Culpeper General on Etsy.com

Lisa, get ready!

Jul 8, 2010

Holy Cow!

It's a girl!

I am still totally trying to wrap my mind around this turn of events, haha. Don't get me wrong, I am so very excited to know what we're having, and to know that she is healthy, and to have gotten to see her for so long today and to hear her heartbeat again. I can not explain why, but for some reason I was fairly convinced that we were having a boy, so when the doc said "It's a girl!" I was a little surprised, haha. Will just take some time to adjust my thinking from rocket ships and science themed room, to something a little more feminine.

I think I was less scared about the thought of having a boy because I actually grew up as a girl (deep thoughts here... stay with me). So, having been a girl, I know the silly things girls do... oh please Dear God, do not let my daughter do some of the stupid things I did!! Oh man, I might have nightmares thinking of that thought... new topic!

Here is a profile shot of my sweet baby GIRL... gotta get used to that, haha. Doesn't her sweet little nose look so wonderful?

And the tiny little toes... can't wait to put socks on those little feet.

So, Dr. Reyna took a long time with us in the sonogram room... measuring everything she needed to, showing us all the sweet pictures of the baby. She was kicking up a storm during the whole thing, but after about half an hour of being pushed and manipulated, I think she was done. To tell you the truth, I don't blame her... So, she started covering up her face, but you can see a good arm shot. I still think it's pretty cute.

So, now I must go be quiet and relax a little... I am absolutely exhausted. Mentally and Physically. I need some time to process... I think today just made everything that much more real! I think it felt like I was playing up until now.

And for those of you asking, no, we don't have a name picked out yet, but we do have a list. I'm sure Drew and I will be talking about that now, though!

Jul 7, 2010

It's A...

haha, made you look. Ok, that's the last time I will "cry wolf" because we actually get to find out the gender of this sweet little bambino TOMORROW! Woohoo! Here is one excited Mama. This baby better not be shy... one day I am sure I will say "don't sit like that, close your legs", but tomorrow, well, hopefully baby hasn't learned any manners yet!

This weekend was, as Darla from the Little Rascals might say, the Fourf of July. It has always been one of my favorite holidays because it is so low pressure, and you get to blow things up. We learned this year that pregnant women should not have access to fire and explosives, but that's another story all together. Needless to say, I think I might owe our friend, Sam, a new shirt, haha.

Anyway, here is a photo of me on the fourth of July at 19 weeks pregnant. It's hard to tell from here, but those of you moms who know, do you think I am carrying high or low? It is a question in my baby book, and I honestly do not know how to answer it!

And just in case you couldn't see through my rotund pregnant self, here is a photo of our awesome new "retro" glider that we purchased this weekend to further complete our awesome outdoor space.

You can also see the awesome cactus conglomeration that Drew got for me (half price) this weekend. I love it! So interesting looking, and so low maintenance. I just have to remember to bring it in when it's supposed to rain so I don't end up killing it like I did the aloe plant I bought, and I have nearly killed the hen and chicks that Grandma Dodd gave us (Diane, don't tell her, haha). My grandfather is a Master Gardener - certified and everything. I wish that talent hadn't skipped my generation in the gene pool. I have absolutely NO talent for keeping plants alive whatsoever. But don't worry, I can keep animals alive, so this baby has a chance!

I have really not been feeling well this week at all. Sunday night my right arm started hurting incredibly badly. My fingers were swollen and it felt like every joint in my arm was stiff and in a ton of pain. I could barely grasp anything, much less lift anything. Of course with it being July 4th weekend, my doc was out of town, and the on call doc took THREE HOURS to get back to me! When he called back, he told me to take a Tylenol and go to bed. Gee, thanks for the advice... So, I suffered through all day Monday, and when I woke up on Tuesday, it was feeling a little better. I called the nurse at my doc's office and talked to her about it, and she said if it didn't feel better today to call back and she would get me in to see the on call doc... no thanks. But luckily, I am feeling much better today. Just tired and a little achy.

So, there is my cue to end this post and go lay down on the couch and watch tv. Why is it that days when you are waiting for something good always go by SO slowly?? I can't wait for tomorrow at 4:15!