Sep 13, 2010

29 Weeks and Graduation

Well, here we are at week 29, with a mere 76 days to go until the due date... Each day I think more and more about Isabel actually being here and I can not wait! I have to admit that it has a little to do with the fact that I am so ready to not be pregnant anymore, but so much more to do with seeing her sweet smile and getting to hold and cuddle my daughter.

This weekend was a busy busy weekend with nearly 14 hours of Childbirth Preparation classes at Methodist Hospital. We learned all about hospital policy, breathing techniques that I am sure will make my pain just disappear (ha!), all of our pain management options, and took a tour of the maternity ward. I don't really feel as though I learned a lot of new information, but then again, I have been totally obsessed with reading as much as I possibly can get my hands on about pregnancy, birth, and baby care. I don't think much of it will do any good... learning by experience seems to be necessity when it comes to babies :) But all in all, I'm glad we went. And rest assured, we graduated from the program, so of course now we are "qualified" to have this child, haha! We got a diploma and everything!

This weekend was also my Papa's 81st birthday. I have been so blessed to have such wonderful grandparents who lived so close to us while I was growing up, and still live close and will be able to be involved in my daughter's life. Papa is an extraordinary guy and I hope he has many many many more years ahead!

After class on Sunday, Drew and I celebrated our diploma at Big Shucks - we have a serious addiction to that place. They have the best shrimp... well, everything on the menu is amazing actually. Afterward, we came home so Drew could finish up a TON of grading that he brought home this weekend for his Forensics class. I helped out a little and I love reading some of the things his kids write... I was cracking up when one person wrote something about the "quart of law".

This Wednesday, my dad is having back surgery. Please keep him in your prayers! This is something that he has needed for quite a while, and hopefully it will make him feel all better so he can be up and active and ready to play with his granddaughter :)

Here's a picture of me at 29 weeks 0 days :) I just looked through my Belly Book this weekend and saw a picture of me at 19 weeks - exactly 10 weeks ago. Wow, have I grown! But once again I must say... I am SO ready to have my waist back!!

Sep 7, 2010

Love Like Crazy

You know how every once in a while, you hear a song and it puts into words how you feel about a particular topic? Well, here I am letting my country girl come out a bit... The song "Love Like Crazy" by Lee Brice is such a sweet song. I have had SUCH great examples of what a wonderful Godly marriage is supposed to look like - my grandparents on both sides were/are married for over 60 years. My parents celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary this year, and though Drew and I are only at 4 and 3/4s, we take our vows very seriously. I look forward to the next 55 years with him :)
Anyway, here are the lyrics to the chorus of the song. Had I written them before whomever wrote this song, these would be my words of wisdom to anyone about to get married.

"Just ask him how he made it
He'll tell you faith and sweat
And the heart of a faithful woman,
Who never let him forget

Be a best friend, tell the truth, and overuse I love you
Go to work, do your best, don't outsmart your common sense
Never let your praying knees get lazy
And love like crazy

Always treat your woman like a lady
Never get too old to call her baby
Never let your praying knees get lazy
And love like crazy"

Sep 4, 2010

A Safari in Our Own Backyard

On this beautiful 3 day weekend, on the day before I am officially in the 3rd trimester, Drew and I decided to take a Safari in our own backyard and go to the Dallas Zoo (which literally backs up into our neighborhood). The new Giants in the Savannah exhibit is amazing! Though I wasn't allowed to touch the giraffe, they were coming right up to the look out area, and kiddos were feeding lettuce leaves to the giraffe. So cool!

85 days and counting until we are due to meet baby Isabel Jane :)

Sep 3, 2010

So Thankful

I have so much to be thankful for. Sometimes it's nice to remind yourself of such things:

1. Our baby girl has a name! But I'm not telling yet because I haven't had a chance to call the Grandmas. Soon.

2. Sunday marks the 3rd trimester. The weeks are flying by and this baby will be here soon - and hopefully soon after my waist will make an appearance :)

3. We are getting a peak at cooler weather this week. Don't get me wrong, I'm still sweating. But it's a reminder that cooler temps are coming soon.

4. My dear friends, Brad and Crystal, get to bring home their newly adopted son, Levi, today. I can not express to you how overjoyed I am for them and for that sweet baby. What a blessing from God for this family to find each other.

5. THREE DAY WEEKEND! Oh hallelujah!

6. I get to see my two very best friends tonight. They get to meet each other for the first time, and Macy is bringing baby things! I think that's 3 in 1, hehe.

7. My amazing husband - I don't know what in the heck I did in my past to deserve such a sweet, caring, intelligent, funny, Godly man (in fact, I'm pretty sure I don't deserve it), but I am so incredibly thankful for him. Last night, I made dinner while he was on his way home, and we ate in bed while watching a silly sci-fi. It was bliss :)

8. The State Fair of Texas opens in a mere 3 weeks - 2nd favorite time of the year!

9. I have sweet friends that are planning a baby shower for me and... oh I almost let it slip :) I can't wait - I know it is going to be awesome! (no pressure, haha)

10. Did I mention 3 day weekend? I think that counts for double after 3 hours of 7th graders today, haha.