Aug 25, 2008

The Lawn

Although I have never had children, I imagine that owning your first home is much like having your first child... you have no clue what you are doing, and it doesn't come with an instruction manual. I cringe to think of some of the things that we need to do to the house and how much money it will cost!

Yesterday, it was the lawn. It rained pretty much all week last week, and the lawn finally came back to life... in places, haha. I walked through the back yard before Drew mowed to pick up sticks and the grass was higher than my ankle. Like everything else we have done for the house, the yard was an ordeal. I was planning on hiring someone to come do it the first couple of times, but I didn't get a bid lower than $100, and I could get a decent mower for 2-3 professional lawn mows! So, Drew and I stayed frugal, and did it ourselves. We went over to Meme and Papa's and borrowed the truck (thanks again Papa!), and then over to Mom and Dad's to borrow their lawn mower.

While Drew got things ready to mow, I started pulling weeds in our front yard. Weeds may not be the correct term - they were more like miniature trees, but from the weed family. And they covered almost one half of our yard! Drew said it looked like I was cultivating vegatables or something pulling up all of these weeds by the roots. I got almost a full trashbag full of weeds. I didn't compost them because I have heard that if you compost weeds, your compost will grow weeds. Is this true?

Then we moved to the back yard. Our back yard did not get as much attention as the front because we were so tired and sweaty after working in both places. Dad didn't have line for his weedeater, so, I did a little trimming by hand and got about half way up one side walk with about 40 pounds of grass in a pile, haha, so, I quit. When Drew finished, it was hard to tell what color he actually was for all the grass and dirt he was covered in!

I wish I had taken before and after photos! (of the yard, and of drew)

Now on to more challenges: in 5 days, I get to pay a mortgage for the first time in my life. Ew.

Wish Drew luck, it's his first day back at school!


Jerri said...

I got you some housewarming presents at Ikea, but sounds like you might want a trip to Calloways instead. Just let me know.

Thought you were out of town when I didn't hear from you about our cook out. Sorry we missed you.

Marcie said...

Oooh. Thanks Jer. I'm just now getting enjoyment out of the awesome Bare Essential mascara you gave me for my birthday. It is my new favorite make up item!