Oct 7, 2008

Bullet Point Update

Because I have too many things to talk about and no pictures, here is a bullet pointed update:

- On Friday, I saw Sarah Palin's motorcade in downtown Dallas from our Teacher's Lounge window. It was history in the making, hehe, and a pretty amazing sight. For someone who isn't even in office, I have never seen so many police cars in one location at one time. She had 3 helicopter escorts, a huge line of cars, and from our vantage point, we could see several sharp shooters on the roofs of nearby buildings.

- I still don't have photos of my plants uploaded. I'm sorry. I did, however, Miracle Grow them, and they are looking AWESOME!

- Tonight was National Night Out in Dallas, and our neighborhood had a little gathering around the corner from me. I got to meet a lot of new people, and feel very thankful to live where I do! I hope to get to know them all better! I am amazed at the diversity of my neighborhood, and love all the interesting people I met tonight!

- I am exhausted - too tired to make anything more than a few frozen taquitos in the microwave, so, I shall go to bed. I forgot a few of my bullet points, but oh well! Goodnight Never Never Land!


faye said...

I had fun at National Night Out, too! Let's get out again! :)

lisa said...

Marce - I forgot you had this blog! I've had fun catching up. Now post pix of your student's work - I wanna see!