Aug 20, 2008

Long awaited...

Yes, I know it has been fooooreever! I honestly did not want to post photos until I felt that the house was "done"... but as so many people have pointed out - the house will never be done. So, you can see the small things I have been doing, and hopefully see my vision as well! Promise to post more frequently in the future!

Here is our bathroom. In this room, we repainted, got a new bathtub and retiled in the shower area. We also moved the light fixtures. I really like the way this room turned out, which is why this picture is first, haha. There are still a few things I want to do - get a mirror to go in the arch, buy a very small medicine cabinet to go by the door, and find a rug that is very skinny, but goes the whole length of the room that won't show a lot of dirt (not too much to ask, right??).

Here is our kitchen during a rainstorm - yes, it is raining in Texas! I never appreciated that so much until my lawn became embarassingly dead. Anyway, we painted in here as well, which you can see at the top right of the picture. It is the same color as the bathroom, and perhaps my favorite paint color ever. On the left, we took out the large wall oven and Papa put up shelves for us. I bought some fabric and I am going to sew a curtain to put over it so we can hide our storage until we can afford to have a cabinet maker come out to put real doors there. This kitchen is small, but I do like it a lot.

I haven't gotten too far with the living room yet - it was the room that all the boxes were dumped in, so, now that I am finally down to 4 boxes, you can see the couch and the floor, haha. I did a lot of work in there today, and hung a few pictures. I am still trying to decide what to do over the couch - needs to be something awesome. I love the things that are on the shelf - all so meaningful to me (except the bottom row of shelves - those are mainly things that haven't found a real home yet). I have a pitcher from my Aunt Jana, a salt container from my Meme with an old wives tale that says that as long as you have salt in your house, you will always have enough money; my grandpa's Bible, toys that my grandpa made, beautiful souveniers from China, and my wedding album. Every time I look at that shelf, I just feel blessed to have such a wonderful family and husband and home.

And last but not least, our bedroom. Drew and I are in total agreeance that we HATE the curtains and that they need to go as soon as humanly possible. It's not that they aren't pretty, they just don't fit our tastes and aren't really what we had in mind for our bedroom. I think we are going to go with a solid color - either blue or brown. I also need to come up with something for above the bed in here. I might paint something, or I might find some really awesome fabric and stretch it on some canvas frames.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. It is so much fun to have your own home and be able to do whatever you want to it! There have been a few setbacks (broken bathroom faucet, shelves in the closet falling out of the wall), but all in all, I am incredibly happy with our home. One of the most peaceful things I have ever experienced is looking out my window and watching the rain fall on my very own back yard. *deep sigh* haha.


The Whatley's said...

I am so happy for you! It is looking wonderful (minus those curtains haha)! I'd love to see how the tile looks in the bath. Keep up the good work! :)

Jerri said...

Are you sure this is the same house? Sorry we missed you before we left and can't wait to see it now. Also sorry that I was asleep today. Anxious to see it all in person! Looks wonderful!

Jerri said...

OK, not too good at leaving comments on other people's blogs evidently. I'll try again.

House does not even look like the same place I saw when you bought it. I can't wait to see it.

Sorry I slept through your visit today.