Jan 8, 2009


I have come to the conclusion that I fear blogging when I have been gone too long. I think I saw somewhere when I logged on that my last post was 3 weeks ago. That is absolutely pathetic, but the truth is... when so much has happened, I don't even know where to begin, so, I just put off writing about it until it has been far too long. So, I'll list. Maybe with a few interspersed photos.

Where do I start?

- Christmas was wonderful. I got MUCH more than I ever deserved, and feel very blessed and spoiled at the same time. My mom and dad got me a tripod for my camera and some Macro lenses that I seriously can not wait to experiment with. It needs to warm up outside!! Drew gave me a gift certificate to Make so that I can take a class on screen printing (sooo excited about that), and Mike and Diane got the nail on the head with several gifts that I have been contemplating buying for myself for quite a while. Probably the most unexpected gift was from Grandma Smithee. She is making (almost finished) Drew and I a quilt... she is AMAZING, and I will post photos as soon as I have it in my hands.

- Getting the quilt for Christmas has inspired me to redo a room to make as Drew and my new bedroom. It is going to be awesome. Hard to describe though, so, again, I'll post photos when I get it all done.

- For Christmas from me and his parents, Drew got a new gun. So, no one come rob our house because we are armed and Drew is a really good shot. Here is Drew opening his gift:
And here is Drew shooting his gift:
- I recently signed myself up to take a Pottery class at a local community college. I am really excited about this, but hoping I have not overcommitted myself for the semester. That class is Monday and Wednesday nights, but on top of that, I am also helping with sets for the Spring Musical, taking care of TAPPS district and state competitions at school, working on the Fine Arts Festival, and directing the art show for Oak Cliff Earth Day. Most everything happens in April, so, I guess I should rest up before then, hehe. Oh well, i did that all last year and survived, I'm sure I can do it again.

- I have also recently joined a Crafting Group called Oak Cliff Craft Collective. Here is the logo I designed to use for the time being while we are getting started. What do you think?
Hmm... what else to talk about? Well, Drew just got home from work and I lost my train of thought, so, for now I will sign off. Hopefully more sooner than 3 weeks from now!


Anonymous said...

what's more awesome, getting a new gun in my He-Man shirt or getting presents with "Roadkill Collector" Dirty Jobs episode on pause in the background? Totally your call, haha.

The Whatley's said...

Wow! I love that logo. Fantastic job! I am going to have to check out the group!