Oct 18, 2013

The Supportive, Oily Husband

Meet Drew.

Isn't he cute?  Yeah, well, he's taken, ladies, so back off ;)

Drew is an incredibly supportive husband.  Even from the beginning of my oily journey, he was down with letting me experiment on him, diffuse oils in our room at night, and invest in oils.

One of the questions I hear discussed a LOT is how to get your husband to be supportive of Oily Homeopathy.  So, I went straight to the source and talked to Drew about it.  He told me that he was supportive of it because it made me happy (aww), but let me read between the lines and offer you a few suggestions if your husband/significant other isn't quite so quick to jump on the oily bandwagon.

1.  Offer Research and Testimonials

Men are logical creatures.  Do you have the Essential Oils Desk Reference?  The Pocket Reference?  Gentle Babies?  The Animal Desk Reference?  All of these books are specifically for Young Living oils and offer a host of information regarding the oils.  There are also amazing sites available with scientific studies showing the effectiveness of Essential oils.  I also love searching on Pubmed.gov with the keyword Essential Oils.

2.  Talk to Him

Frustrated that your significant other isn't on board?  Talk to him!  Tell him about all your successes.   As with any major decision, communication is key.

3.  Discuss the Finances

Even though it is tempting to jump in with both feet and buy $32049809458098 worth of oils, choose to build your collection more slowly.  Discuss how much you spend on medical expenses, cleaning supplies, air fresheners and candles, etc in a given month, then show him how effective these products are and price compare.  One bottle of Thieves cleaner can make nearly 20 bottles of store bought equivalent cleaner.  That is just over a dollar per bottle for an all natural, non-toxic, effective cleaning solution.  That is a huge savings compared to store bought!  The Premium Starter Kit is a huge savings over buying all the oils and diffuser separately, and a Wholesale Account can save you 24% on future orders.  Financially, it just makes sense.

4.  Look for Opportunities to Bless Your Husband Using EOs

Look for ways to HELP your husband using these oils.  There is nothing like actually experiencing the effectiveness to convince someone :)

5.  Pray

Still not convinced?  Pray about it!  I am of the thought that these oils are a blessing - if it is right for your family, pray about it.  See if God softens your husband's heart.

The wonderful men in our life can be pretty quick to reach for the bottle of Tums, but they are not unreasonable (mostly, haha).  Here's hoping that your husband is as supportive as mine, but if not, try out a few of my ideas and see what happens!

I can tell you that it still excites me to hear Drew ask "is there an oil for that?"  The answer:  "YES!" as I run to my shelf :)

Want to know how to purchase your own oils? Check out my informational page here!

1 comment :

Sarah Johnston said...

Thank you for this! I am new to EVO'S i Just signed up to be a distributor yesterday! My husband is skeptical about it but he is supportive mostly because he wants to make me happy. although he has told me more then once they might work for you but they wont work for me... I am hoping once I Get my oils he will become convinced of how awesome they are and that it isn't a phase that I am just going to pass on. anyway I enjoyed reading your blog thank you!!